New Dilermando Reis’ album

New Dilermando Reis’ album

On Friday, October 27, the album “Alvaro Henrique plays Dilermando Reis” will be available on the main streaming platforms. This release features several unpublished compositions, providing an innovative perspective on the renowned Brazilian...
New Dilermando Reis’ album

Dilermando Reis by Alvaro Henrique

We have some news to share with you! I’m about to release a new album full of songs composed by Dilermando Reis. Some of them are not yet available on streaming platforms (Spotify, for example). We’re inviting you to pre-save this album. By pre-saving,...
Aquarela for solo guitar

Aquarela for solo guitar

During the recording of my next CD, with compositions by Dilermando Reis, the recording sessions were productive, and we managed to record a song in the extra available time. It is a simple arrangement of Aquarela, by Toquinho. During the pandemic, we all rethought...

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