Competing and improving

Competing and improving

Last week I wrote in this blog about the cancelation of a traditional guitar competition due to the Covid-19 restrictions making it impossible to organize an international competition ( This week I’m...
Competing and improving

From cancelations to smiles

What a week! It started with the surprising decision by the Guitar Foundation of America (GFA) to cancel its International Concert Artist Competition after a first round took place. Not an easy decision, and they have good reasons for that, but nonetheless...
A new routine for guitar and music lovers…

A new routine for guitar and music lovers…

Dear Music Lover, Finally I made it to have an online routine that works for me, and could allow me to share with you my ideas – also in English! Have you checked it at the top of the page? I believe you did. On Mondays and Thursdays I will share with you some...
Informance: Theme

Informance: Theme

This Friday, July 24, 12:00 (NYT), 18h (CET), I’ll broadcast on my YouTube channel ( an informance: a musical show with information and performance. We’ll be talking about theme, a major musical aspect used in musical...

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