
(inter)nacionalismos at Casa Thomas Jefferson online
It's online the streaming concert I recorded with flutist Diana Mota for the Casa Thomas Jefferson, a USA-Brazil binational cultural center in Brasilia. The repertoire features music from Spain, Brazil, Argentina for flute and guitar and a special surprise at the end....

Guitar tip: figuetta
Figuetta is a right-hand technique used in early music (vihuela, lute, teorbo, etc) that creates an unique swing. Learn how to play the figuetta and how you can achieve its sound qualities even not using it.

Tip of the day: repairing nails
Nails are the main source of sound production on the classical guitar, so if a nail brakes, cracks, or have any damage, they need to be repaired in order to mantain a good tone in any circumstance. This tip shows how to make fast and durable repairs with fake nails...

Tip of the day: nail shape and length
Finding the right nail shape and length for guitar playing is a treasure hunt without maps. But this quest may be easier if you consider how the guitar strings "see" the nail, not how you see it. Your nails are grown to sound well, not for fashion purposes. Learn how...