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Tip of the day: right hand sleeve

Tip of the day: right hand sleeve

You have invested on a handmade guitar. You wish to keep it new and to enjoy all its tone qualities. Using a right-hand sleeve will allow you to protect your guitar soundboard from sweat on the top, and will help your right-hand technique to reach different regions...

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Tip of the day: right hand sleeve

Tip of the day: left hand positions

Beggining June 1, 2020 and as long as the quarentine lasts in Brasilia, Brazil, I'll post tips for you, in English, on Mondays and Thursdays. Today's video was about how to reach all the regions on the guitar, as Abel Carlevaro describes.Check them...

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Recommendation: Abel Carlevaro Library

Recommendation: Abel Carlevaro Library

Materials, such as sheet music, scores, arrangments, manuscripts (in several versions, in some cases), editions, among others, from Abel Carlevaro's personal archive are now avaiable free and online. Abel Carlevaro was the most important guitar teacher in the 20th...

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