
news, tips, shows, and more

Where are you, Alvaro? – part 1

Where are you, Alvaro? – part 1

It's true, I've been missing from the social media - to some extent, from my website as well - since late 2018. But I will explain, in parts, why I was away. In early 2018 I was working in the Distrito Federal State Government, in governor`s Rodrigo Rollemberg...

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Video Guitar Through the Ages COMPLETE (free)

Video Guitar Through the Ages COMPLETE (free)

It was very special for me making the DVD "Guitar Through the Ages". This project allowed me the opportunity to show pieces of music from the arrival of Europeans in the Americas to present day on the instruments of each era. The project, funded by the DF's Culture...

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How melodies are composed (part 2) (video)

How melodies are composed (part 2) (video)

In this "Music Talks" I expand one of the ideas I mentioned on our first video, about how melodies are composed (watch it at On the first video, I focused on "universal" features that lead to the creation of melodies, such...

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Music Talks… what’s the “classical” guitar (video)

Music Talks… what’s the “classical” guitar (video)

What is the classical guitar? Why is it called so? Because it is "classical", is it a different instrument from a guitar? Get answers to those questions and also know a little bit about the classical guitar and its curiosities: did you know it used strings made of gut...

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Music Talks…. Melody (video)

Music Talks…. Melody (video)

Melody is a very special component of music. So special it is, that many confuse melody with the music itself. How often have we heard things like "I like this music because of its melody" or "This melody is so beautiful, therefore I like this music"? But, although we...

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“Irmas Cajazeiras” competing at Brazil’s National Radio Music Festival 2018


Dando destaque a novos lançamentos de música clássica, vamos ouvir faixas do CD Brincadeira a Cinco, do Quinteto de Brasília (músicas de Amaral Vieira, Arthur Bosmans e Liduíno Pitombeira); do CD Oboé do Brasil (músicas de Sérgio Nogueira, Liduíno Pitombeira e Rodrigo...

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“Irmas Cajazeiras” competing at Brazil’s National Radio Music Festival 2018


Nesse programa, uma entrevista com Diego Schuck, da Orquestra Sinfônica da Universidade de Caxias do Sul (OSUCS), que integra os vários programas que a Universidade possui em prol da formação artístico-cultural da cidade e da região, ao som de Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov,...

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Brasília 50, by Jorge Antunes

Brasília 50, by Jorge Antunes

Escrito em 2009, essa obra dinâmica para violão e tape, de Jorge Antunes, trata de eventos históricos, políticos e culturais, desde 1960. O áudio gravado inclui entrevistas, discursos, notícias, relacionados a cada evento, como um discurso de John F Kennedy no ano de...

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