
news, tips, shows, and more

Competing and improving

Competing and improving

Last week I wrote in this blog about the cancelation of a traditional guitar competition due to the Covid-19 restrictions making it impossible to organize an international competition ( This week I'm...

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Competing and improving

From cancelations to smiles

What a week! It started with the surprising decision by the Guitar Foundation of America (GFA) to cancel its International Concert Artist Competition after a first round took place. Not an easy decision, and they have good reasons for that, but nonetheless...

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A new routine for guitar and music lovers…

A new routine for guitar and music lovers…

Dear Music Lover, Finally I made it to have an online routine that works for me, and could allow me to share with you my ideas - also in English! Have you checked it at the top of the page? I believe you did. On Mondays and Thursdays I will share with you some short...

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Informance: Theme

Informance: Theme

This Friday, July 24, 12:00 (NYT), 18h (CET), I'll broadcast on my YouTube channel ( an informance: a musical show with information and performance. We'll be talking about theme, a major musical aspect used in musical compositions,...

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RC Strings online competition is open

RC Strings online competition is open

Royal Classics Strings is with an online guitar competition open. Guitarists may enter the competition from today, July 10th, to July 24th. The entrance fee is free, and the sent video must be from 05 to 10 minutes long with free choice program. Awards include...

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Guitar tip: sightreading

Guitar tip: sightreading

Sightreading is a skill like all others. It needs to be practiced everyday to get better, and it must be practiced for its own sake. www.alvarohenrique.comSubscribe:...

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(inter)nationalisms online

(inter)nationalisms online

Complete video of a concert at Musical Fridays Online Concert at Casa Thomas Jefferson, streaming version of the tradicional concert series that happens in Brasilia for decades, organized by the cultural binational USA-Brazil center Casa Thomas Jefferson....

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Guitar tip: sightreading

Guitar tip: crossing

Crossing is a technical challenge that happens often when playing scales (but can also happen in other occasions). It consists of placing the right hand fingers temporarily on a non-ergonomic position. The a finger can solve most of crossing problems. Get a fast tip...

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(inter)nationalisms online

(inter)nacionalismos at Casa Thomas Jefferson online

It's online the streaming concert I recorded with flutist Diana Mota for the Casa Thomas Jefferson, a USA-Brazil binational cultural center in Brasilia. The repertoire features music from Spain, Brazil, Argentina for flute and guitar and a special surprise at the end....

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Guitar tip: sightreading

Guitar tip: figuetta

Figuetta is a right-hand technique used in early music (vihuela, lute, teorbo, etc) that creates an unique swing. Learn how to play the figuetta and how you can achieve its sound qualities even not using it.

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Guitar tip: sightreading

Tip of the day: repairing nails

Nails are the main source of sound production on the classical guitar, so if a nail brakes, cracks, or have any damage, they need to be repaired in order to mantain a good tone in any circumstance. This tip shows how to make fast and durable repairs with fake nails...

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Guitar tip: sightreading

Tip of the day: nail shape and length

Finding the right nail shape and length for guitar playing is a treasure hunt without maps. But this quest may be easier if you consider how the guitar strings "see" the nail, not how you see it. Your nails are grown to sound well, not for fashion purposes. Learn how...

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Guitar tip: sightreading

Tip of the day: right hand sleeve

You have invested on a handmade guitar. You wish to keep it new and to enjoy all its tone qualities. Using a right-hand sleeve will allow you to protect your guitar soundboard from sweat on the top, and will help your right-hand technique to reach different regions...

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Guitar tip: sightreading

Tip of the day: left hand positions

Beggining June 1, 2020 and as long as the quarentine lasts in Brasilia, Brazil, I'll post tips for you, in English, on Mondays and Thursdays. Today's video was about how to reach all the regions on the guitar, as Abel Carlevaro describes.Check them...

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Recommendation: Abel Carlevaro Library

Recommendation: Abel Carlevaro Library

Materials, such as sheet music, scores, arrangments, manuscripts (in several versions, in some cases), editions, among others, from Abel Carlevaro's personal archive are now avaiable free and online. Abel Carlevaro was the most important guitar teacher in the 20th...

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